Down the Brook

Part 2 - Autumn

Lower beaver pond

The lower beaver pond is a place of rare beauty.  It is in the middle of a sacred Indian ceremonial area.  The pond did not exist as it is today, but even then it must have been beautiful. 

October 8, 2010

This picture is toward Snake Meadow Hill.  There are burial markers on the other bank.

This is looking toward a ceremonial mound.  The trees are not yet peak color.

This is looking back toward the road and upstream.

October 10, 2010

This is the beaver dam.  Beneath the dam is an ancient stone bridge.  To the left are large stones and behind them is a large pile of small stones which appears to have been offerings by the participants in the ceremonies.

October 13, 2010

The colors are near peak.

Again, looking toward the road, there are maples that are reaching peak color.

October 19, 2010

Again, a view of the beaver dam.

Looking toward the beaver pond.  At bottom left, but barely visible is the beaver house.

December 9, 2010

The leaves are all gone and snow will be coming soon.  In the center of the picture is the beaver dam.

The trees that were bright red are now drab.  In the center of the picture is the beaver house.

This is a close up of the beaver house.