Pictures of a storm

February 6, 2010

I started to take these pictures before sunrise.  The pictures are in the order that they were taken.  Each picture shows the advance of the sun.  The time spans before 7:00 AM to about 10:00 AM.  This is the pond.

This is the road to my house, taken from the end of my driveway.

All of the tress are covered with snow.

The sky is brightening toward the southeast.

The sky has a pinkish tinge.

Tall pines are the first to see the sun.

The pond is beginning to light up.

The trees are beginning to light up along the road.

Here is the brook and the beaver pond.

And there is the sun!

The pine trees are lighted.

The road is now lighted.

This is the swamp on the other side of the road.

Even more trees are seeing the sun.

It is really not that cold, otherwise the brook would be frozen.

Back toward home.

And the pond is brightening up.

There are pink clouds now.

A few hours later and the swamp is all lit up.

And the brook and beaver pond are bright.

Back toward home, the road is nice and bright.

This is where my driveway begins.  Notice the "dead" tree near the center of the picture.  It is featured in the page entitled "Trees"

And this is my driveway.  I do not plow it.  That helps keep the people out!